Our ideas are related to our own imagination. We create according to the concept and design which our client requires in their specific location or environment. We create as we have the passion to fulfill the client's need. When it comes to ideas, we share our ideas with our client according to the latest and modern trends. We assure the ability to invent and develop original ideas specially interior in showrooms, hotels, restaurants, offices and exhibition stalls. Our creative ideas involves mostly in tile showrooms, offices and exhibition stalls. Our original ideas will be our signature projects and will be tailor made for our clients.
Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. We plan, research, coordinate and manages projects according to your satisfaction at your convenient time. Our concept is a combination of ideas that helps and fulfills the satisfaction of our client and to complete a successful project, which could also be include as design or renovation. A concept serves as groundwork plans. This also involves in intention of implementing furniture, ornaments, lighting, electrical items and bath ware.
We have plan or drawing produced or working of a restaurant, showroom, exhibition stall or tile showroom before it's made to show our client. We could produced a detailed drawing of the project. We also design a systematic way to cater all your needs and requirements. The process and the art of planning is assured by our well experienced staff.
Exterior design is also considered as a very important component in designs. We ensure a tailor made package for our client when it comes to exterior design. It also related to paints, tiles, glass renovation, signboards, window, door decorations and landscaping. We strongly believe that exterior design is a part of impression. An inspiration at a glance makes a person to think and admire. "First impression is the best impression". We always discover the exterior decoration and architectural inspiration to enhance our client's satisfaction at all times for all seasons and for all reasons.
The Gardens Exhibition stall for Jaah Investments at Maldives Living Expo 2019.
Tile showroom interior design for Bimro Tiles, Tissamaharama.
Interior design for Manamperi Bath ware, located at Galle.
Interior design for Ranjanas Ceramic, tile showroom, located at Galle.